According to what the magicians say, glaucoma[1] may be cured by using the brains of a puppy seven days old; the probe being inserted in the right side [of the eye], if it is the right eye that is being operated on, and in the left side, if it is the left. The fresh gall, too, of the asio[2] is used, a bird belonging to the owlet tribe, with feathers standing erect like ears. Apollonius of Pitanæ used to prefer dog's gall, in combination with honey, to that of the hyæna, for the cure of cataract, as also of albugo. The heads and tails of mice, reduced to ashes and applied to the eyes, improve the sight, it is said; a result which is ensured with even greater certainty by using the ashes of a dormouse or wild mouse, or else the brains or gall of an eagle. The ashes and fat of a field-mouse, beaten up with Attic honey and antimony, are remarkably useful for watery eyes—what this antimony[3] is, we shall have occasion to say when speaking of metals.
For the cure of cataract, the ashes of a weasel are used, as
also the brains of a lizard or swallow. Weasels, boiled and
pounded, and so applied to the forehead, allay defluxions of the
eyes, either used alone, or else with fine flour or with frankincense. Employed in a similar manner, they are very good for
sun-stroke, or in other words, for injuries inflicted by the sun.
It is a remarkably good plan, too, to burn these animals alive,
and to use their ashes, with Cretan honey, as a liniment for
Some persons, again, use vipers as an article of food: when
this is done, it is recommended, the moment they are killed,
to put some salt in the mouth and let it melt there; after
which, the body must be cut away to the length of four fingers
at each extremity, and, the intestines being first removed, the
remainder boiled in a mixture of water, oil, salt, and dill.
When thus prepared, they are either eaten at once, or else
kneaded in a loaf, and taken from time to time as wanted.
In addition to the above-mentioned properties, viper-broth
cleanses all parts of the body of lice,[6] and removes itching
sensations as well upon the surface of the skin. The ashes,
also, of a viper's head, used by themselves, are evidently productive of considerable effects; they are employed very advantageously in the form of a liniment for the eyes; and so, too, is
viper's fat. I would not make so bold as to advise what is
strongly recommended by some, the use, namely, of vipers'
gall; for that, as already stated[7] on a more appropriate occasion, is nothing else but the venom of the serpent. The fat of
snakes, mixed with verdigrease,[8] heals ruptures of the cuticle
of the eyes; and the skin or slough that is cast off in spring,
employed as a friction for the eyes, improves the sight. The
The gall of the eagle, which tests its young, as already
stated,[10] by making them look upon the sun, forms, with Attic
honey, an eye-salve which is very good for the cure of webs,
films, and cataracts of the eye. A vulture's gall, too, mixed
with leek-juice and a little honey, is possessed of similar properties; and the gall of a cock, dissolved in water, is employed
for the cure of argema and albugo: the gall, too, of a white
cock, in particular, is recommended for cataract. For shortsighted persons, the dung of poultry is recommended as a liniment, care being taken to use that of a reddish colour only.
A hen's gall, too, is highly spoken of, and the fat in particular,
for the cure of pustules upon the pupils, a purpose for which
hens are expressly fattened. This last substance is marvellously useful for ruptures of the coats of the eyes, incorporated
with the stones known as schistos[11] and hæmatites. Hens'
dung, too, but only the white part of it, is kept with old oil
in boxes made of horn, for the cure of white specks upon the
pupil of the eye. While mentioning this subject, it is worthy
of remark, that peacocks[12] swallow their dung, it is said, as
though they envied man the various uses of it. A hawk,
boiled in oil of roses, is considered extremely efficacious as a liniment for all affections of the eyes, and so are the ashes of its
dung, mixed with Attic honey. A kite's liver, too, is highly
esteemed; and pigeons' dung, diluted with vinegar, is used as
an application for fistulas of the eye, as also for albugo and
marks upon that organ. Goose gall and duck's blood are very
useful for contusions of the eyes, care being taken, immediately
after the application, to anoint them with a mixture of woolgrease and honey. In similar cases, too, gall of partridges is
used, with an equal quantity of honey; but where it is only
wanted to improve the sight, the gall is used alone. It is
generally thought, too, upon the authority of Hippocrates,[13]
Partridges' eggs, boiled in a copper vessel, with honey, are curative of ulcers of the eyes, and of glaucoma. For the treatment of blood-shot eyes, the blood of pigeons, ring-doves, turtle-doves, and partridges is remarkably useful; but that of the male pigeon is generally looked upon as the most efficacious. For this purpose, a vein is opened beneath the wing, it being warmer than the rest of the blood, and consequently more[14] beneficial. After it is applied, a compress, boiled in honey, should be laid upon it, and some greasy wool, boiled in oil and wine. Nyctalopy,[15] too, is cured by using the blood of these birds, or the liver of a sheep—the most efficacious being that of a tawny sheep—as already[16] stated by us when speaking of goats. A decoction, too, of the liver is recommended as a wash for the eyes, and, for pains and swellings in those organs, the marrow, used as a liniment. The eyes of a horned owl, it is strongly asserted, reduced to ashes and mixed in an eye-salve, will improve the sight. Albugo is made to disappear by using the dung of turtle-doves, snails burnt to ashes, and the dung of the cenchris, a kind of hawk, according to the Greeks.[17] All the substances above mentioned, used in combination with honey, are curative of argema: honey, too, in which the bees have died, is remarkably good for the eyes.
A person who has eaten the young of the stork will never suffer from ophthalmia for many years to come, it is said; and the same when a person carries about him the head of a dragon:[18] it is stated, too, that the fat of this last-named animal, applied with honey and old oil, will disperse incipient films of the eyes. The young of the swallow are blinded at full moon, and the moment their sight is restored,[19] their heads are burnt, and the ashes are employed, with honey, to improve the sight, and for the cure of pains, ophthalmia, and contusions of the eyes.
Lizards, also, are employed in numerous ways as a remedy
The cobweb of the common fly-spider, that which lines its
hole more particularly, applied to the forehead across the
temples, in a compress of some kind or other, is said to be
marvellously useful for the cure of defluxions of the eyes: the
web must be taken, however, and applied by the hands of a
boy who has not arrived at the years of puberty; the boy,
too, must not show himself to the patient for three days, and
during those three days neither of them must touch the
ground with his feet uncovered. The white spider[24] with
19. supposed to be destroyed, the operation being imperfectly performed.